Tagged Physics

SCC 63: Santa Fe Institute

Santa_Fe_InstituteOn this episode of Strongly Connected Components Samuel Hansen travels to Santa Fe to speak with three of the researchers at the Santa Fe Institute. He speaks with Yoav Kallus about packing oranges, Sid Redner about statistical physics, and Josh Grochow about complex systems. Plus, so much more.

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Intro and Outro Music by LOWERCASE n

SSS Fight 12: Hilai Vs. Chandrasekhar



The widespread use of Dark Energy power creation has been with us for decades, but the story of the two best friends that are responsible for our ability to harvest the invisible majority of matter in the universe is as heartbreaking as it is important.
Download the Episode

[wpaudio url=”https://www.acmescience.com/Podcasts/SSS/ssshvc.mp3″ text=”Fight 12: Hilai Vs. Chandareskhar” dl=”0″]


Weltraumbahnhof-Dark Energy

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ACMEScience News Now Episode 5: Ruxandra and Mihai Bondarescu


Welcome to ACMEScience NEWS NOW, your source for news about science and mathematics research, as well as the researchers behind it. On episode 5 Samuel Hansen is joined by Ruxandra and Mihai Bondarescu for a discussion about time, the geoid, atomic clocks, and how the previous three things just may tie together(publisher abstract).

The animation in this video was provided by the guests.

Check out the YouTube channel where you can join in on the discussion under the video, as well as subscribe so that you do not miss the next episode.