By dansai

Sam and Dan and RoboCop

“RoboCop: who is he? What is he? Where did he come from?” All of these questions answered (and more!) on this, the FOURTH episode of Sam and Dan and! In this 1987 sci-fi action film, Buckaroo Banzai and Red Forman face off over the future of a dystopian Detroit. Oh, and RoboCop eats baby food. That’s pretty good.


Richard Nixon meets RoboCop (kinda) | The only good part of RoboCop 2

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Strongly Connected Components Episode 35: Tom Henderson


Samuel Hansen was joined on today’s episode by a guest he has long been trying to reach, the math punk himself Tom Henderson. During there conversation they talking about the Punk Mathematics Interview, how mathematics is used as control, in what ways students are game theory geniuses, and the performative aspects of mathematics. To find out more about Tom Henderson and punk mathematics make sure to follow him on twitter and to pay close attention to the Punk Mathematics website.

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Combinations and Permutations Episode 64: Why, Just Why?

On today’s episode of Combinations and Permutations your host Samuel Hansen poses the question of why mathematics to his guests Sean Breckling and Brandon Metz. He kind of sort of gets an answer, and then it all devloves into a debate on mathematical communication. Here we go.

The Original Why Math Discussion on Math/Maths with Ruby Childs

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