Combinations and Permutations Episode 69: A Taste of SCC

Samuel Hansen was unable to get his fellow guests together so today on Combinations and Permutations we feature two interviews from our sister show Strongly Connected Components, Daina Taimina and David Spiegelhalter.

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Daina Taimina is the author of “Crocheting Adventures with Hyperbolic Planes” and Professor at Cornell Univerity. She and Samuel talk about how crochet can model hyperbolic geometry and the importance of just doing mathematics, as well as its history. To find out more about Daina Taimina and her work visit her website.

David Spiegelhalter is the Winton Professor for the Public Understanding of Risk, as well as Senior Scientist in the MRC Biostatistics Unit. He and Samuel discuss the true meaning of risk, the importance of the Bayesian Method, how to get a lot of citations, and even a bit about the bookies. To find out more about Professor Spiegelhalter check out his website and look at his stained glass work.

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