MathFest: Day 0

12:06 PM

I sent my first morning at mathfest in a way that I typically do not at math conferences, listening to the invited lectures. I did this for two reasons; 1: all three talks looked very interesting and 2: i was hoping to get an interview with all of them as well. The first reason turned out to be a good one as all the talks were well done and engaging, especially Devaney’s talk about the Mandelbrot set, but my second reason turned out to be a bit of a bust(I got one maybe on Saturday, one sure over the phone later, and one maybe I would do a later phone one. I was expecting to have such issues as I had failed to set up any interviews beforehand, as I did for the JMM, but one for sure would not have been too much to ask for would it?

8:02 PM

I am back in my motel room after a rather successful day of math conferencing. After my failures of the morning I presented a rather good talk about Mathematical Podcasting, met a fan of Strongly Connected Components, set up a couple of interviews with mathematicians that you very well may know the names of, and got a few minutes recorded at the Graduate Poster Session. Now I am sitting here eating pizza and watching television while I put off finishing my second presentation.

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